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Quiet Quitting Also Happens In Romantic Relationships

There’s a new term in the workplace that describes a behavior that’s existed for as long as I can remember: Quiet Quitting.  It’s when an employee is dissatisfied with their job and rather than resigning, they do the bare minimum (and sometimes less) to remain employed. But they’re basically checked ...
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Compatibility vs. Chemistry in Relationships

Leaders in my field have been trying to uncover the formula to successful relationships for decades.  We understand the importance of attraction — that magnetic pull between people that we call ‘chemistry’ —  but we tend to contrast its importance with compatibility.   Today I am diving into the debate, along ...
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You’re Too Sensitive! How Feelings Are Weaponized Against Us.

I hate hearing, “You’re too sensitive.” Maybe because when I’ve been on the receiving end of it, a flood of shame has followed.  On the rare occasion when it hasn’t made me hang my head, a defensive retort has usually flown out of my mouth, leaving me feeling like I ...
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Valentine’s Day: The Couples Edition

Alright, Couples! I am here to celebrate you today and hopefully to inspire you with unique ways to honor your love today and throughout the year.  Last week we explored how singles can gracefully handle Valentine's Day, acknowledging that not everyone is in a relationship — which is perfectly fine. ...
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Why I Hate Valentine’s Day – And How You Can Celebrate As A Single

Valentine’s Day rubs a nerve in me. It makes me feel very protective of the single people in my life. I hate that we have a holiday that underscores everyone’s relationship status. My mind continuously goes to how February 14th makes singles feel — especially women.    Which is why ...
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Why We Struggle To Ask For Help

We live in a world that celebrates self-sufficiency and independence which is creating a culture of people who avoid asking for help.  From the fear of appearing weak or needy, to the concern that we’re imposing when we DO ask for help, I often find that my clients don’t consider ...
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