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Why Jealousy Crushes Some While Sparing Others (and how to overcome it if you suffer)

Jealousy is a normal human emotion. We are all hardwired with the capacity to feel it.  But in some of us, jealousy takes on a different form.  It morphs into a force that controls the person prone to it, who in turn, attempts to control their partner as a means ...
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How To Make Up After A Fight

Everyone fights. We all disagree — at least in our most secure relationships.  Walking on eggshells isn’t sustainable which is why, generally speaking, relationships that require it, tend to end.  As humans we crave the ability to be individuals and to be loved and accepted as who we are in ...
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Love Languages: What you don’t know about them

You’ve probably heard people throw around the phrase, “Love Languages.”   The 5 Love Languages is a book written by Gary Chapman, a pastor from North Carolina, in which he posits that humans have 5 different ways we express our love for each other: Acts of Service Gifts Quality Time ...
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Why New Year’s Resolutions Suck And What To Do Instead

As we wrap up another year, many of us look to January as a fresh start. It’s a new year — it feels like a blank slate — and it’s a time when we’re encouraged, at least in the western world and particularly in America, to reflect on our life ...
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Ex-Files: Navigating Your Post-Breakup Relationship with Emotional Intelligence

Exes…  We all have them. Even if they're ex friends or family members.  Exes are people from our past who historically occupied a critical place in our tribe and for whatever reason, no longer do.  Knowing what to do with an ex can be tricky. Because we miss them.  Sometimes ...
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How To Have a Fight (because everyone fights)

We go to great lengths to avoid having fights — especially with our partners. But is that sustainable? Or even achievable?  What does it say about your relationship if you’ve never had a fight?  And is it always a red flag when you start fighting?  We need to know how ...
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Is Jealousy KILLING Your Love Life?

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Is Jealousy KILLING your love life?

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