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When “I’m Sorry” Isn’t Enough

QDear Dr. Darcy:Is there a right way to apologize to someone?  I fucked up, she's mad, and the words "I'm sorry" are not going to make her feel any better :(AShort and to the point.  I love that my title is almost as long as your question, which, by the ...
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My jealous boyfriend won’t forgive me

QMy boyfriend of 3 years is the jealous type and sometimes takes it too far. A month ago, he went through my phone and came across a chat with a friend of the other gender, with whom he was already apprehensive with. The chat was purely platonic but [contained] a ...
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Just turned 30 and still single

Hi Darcy, I’m a straight female who just turned 30 and I’m the only one of my friends who’s not in a relationship.  Most of them are engaged or married and some are getting pregnant. And then there’s me. Forever single. I feel like I’m getting left behind and at ...
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How soon is too soon to move in?

QDear Dr. Darcy,I want to move in with my boyfriend. We’ve been dating 8 months and my lease is up in 5 weeks. He doesn’t think we’ve dated long enough but if we don’t move in now, we’ll be dating at least another year before my new lease is up. ...
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Things I got wrong in 2019

In an era where abdicating responsibility for one’s mistakes has become the norm, I’ve decided to ponder those I made in 2019 - if for no other reason than to buck the trend. And since my tendency to drill down to a molecular level could result in this looking less like ...
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Holiday de-stressors your therapist won’t recommend

I say it every year but I’ll say it again for my newbies: There’s a reason why therapists are swamped between late October and January 1, and it’s got nothing to do with the weather. It’s the holidays. For some, the holiday season represents the warm cozy feeling I get when ...
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Is Jealousy KILLING Your Love Life?

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Is Jealousy KILLING your love life?

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