Doom and Gloom: Dealing With A Chronic Complainer

Dear Dr. Darcy: I have a close friend who complains about her life constantly.  She’s in a bad relationship (or none at all), she’s underutilized at work, she’s fat, ugly, still in love with an ex – you name it, she’s annoyed by it. Some of it’s true (not her being ugly) but she doesn’t do anything to change those things. It’s to the point where when I see her name pop up on my phone, I ask myself if I’m feeling strong enough to withstand her negativity without it sucking the life out of me. I feel guilty because she’s never done anything to hurt me, but when faced with having to see her, I find myself wishing I’d get the stomach flu to have an excuse to cancel. Am I an asshole?

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Transference: The Unwelcome Crush

Screen shot 2013-07-08 at 10.27.50 AM Dear Dr. Darcy: I am a 26-year old student, studying for my Baccalaureate of Social Work. I’ve been working with a trauma therapist since November and about a month ago, I realized that I am gay- despite having previously been married to a man and having two (amazing) children.…

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