My boyfriend is a crossdresser…Is there hope for us?


I recently found out that my boyfriend is a crossdresser. He said he can’t remember how it all started. He recently started talking to someone about it. If I’m totally against it, do you think there would ever be any kind of hope for us? I feel like I need to understand why he does it and what else it could lead to.

What you’re really asking is whether you can change your boyfriend – get him to stop crossdressing. And, if you can’t change him, you’re wondering if you can change yourself. Find a way to accept something you’re totally against. 

My first question to you is, Why are you totally against your boyfriend crossdressing? 

My second question is, What are you afraid it could lead do? 

I think you’re viewing crossdressing as a layover to becoming transgender. And your real fear is that you’ll invest time in trying to accept this part of your boyfriend only to find out that you no longer fit his sexual orientation. 

I really want to give you the answer you want to hear. 

But ultimately, I think you need to ask yourself if you’re willing to try to accept the person you love, as-is, knowing that at the end of that process, the relationship may not work out.

Which is the essential question we all have grapple with when it comes to relationships. 

Writer’s Demographics: 
Female, Straight